Which course did you graduate from at CNELM and when did you graduate?

MSc Personalised Nutrition + CNELM Nutritional Therapy Practice Diploma. I graduated from the MSc July 2021 and gained the Nutritional Therapy Practice Diploma May 2023.

What did you do before doing this course?

I was a nurse and midwife for several years and specialised in occupational health. After having my children, I was a housewife for a number of years before undertaking my studies at CNELM.

What made you decide to embark on this course of study and what attracted you to CNELM? 

I wanted to improve the general health and wellbeing of my family. I’d always had an interest in complementary medicine and nutrition and decided I wanted to study it further. Whilst researching potential schools and colleges of nutrition CNELM stood out and I liked the idea of assignment-based studies rather than exams. When I contacted CNELM the course interviewer I spoke to was attentive and helpful.

What was your first role after graduating?

I’m currently in the process of setting up my own practice.

How did you kickstart your practice / career?

I have joined the business academy at ZEST4Life. I’ve haven’t had any previous experience as a business owner and having attended a few webinars by Zest as a student and liked their ethos so I thought that would be a good place to start.

Where has your career taken you so far? 

I haven’t opened the door to my practice as yet as I’ve only recently graduated. However, I have been reaching out to other professionals and we are discussing collaborative working ideas.

Do you specialise in a particular area of health? 

Peri-menopause and menopause. I really had no intention to make this my area of special interest but I have had a lot of interest from potential clients and collaborators asking if I could offer support in this area. So instead of fighting against this I’ve decided to embrace it. It is a really fascinating area and one that is no longer taboo but is now spoken about openly which is great as I believe women are now more likely to seek support for their menopausal symptoms rather than going it alone.

Which part do you think has been the most rewarding or successful? 

It is too early to say about my own practice just yet. But what I loved about the student clinic was helping clients to reach their health goals and seeing genuine positive change in the quality of their lives and wellbeing. I’m looking forward to making a positive difference to my future clients.

Is there anything you wish you’d known before finishing your studies that you might have prepared for differently?

I think the PNDP has done a good job at trying to cover all the bases in the preparation for clinic work. But I know I’ve got a lot more to learn which can only be done whilst doing the job.

What or who has most inspired you in your work? 

Beatrice Cutler who supervised the majority of my clinic work and is such a knowledgeable and kind practitioner. Michelle Barrow and Kate Neil from CNELM and Rachel Jessey an inspirational and forward-thinking NT. 

Do you have any tips, hints, things you’d have done differently...? 

  • Have a network or group of other students you can chat with regularly; online study can be isolating.
  • Don’t neglect your own health and wellbeing. It’s easy to get bogged down in the assignments and put your own health last. I didn’t take as good care of myself as I should whilst studying for the MSc and I was determined not to do that whilst undergoing the PNDP. I now make good nutrition and regular exercise my number one priority as I want to practice what I preach and be my own advert for my business.
Last modified: Thursday, 29 June 2023, 12:13 PM