PRP imageThe MSc dissertation project allows the student to undertake a piece of research designed to contribute to the evidence base for personalised functional nutrition. This can either be a piece of primary or secondary research: the former focusing on sociological quantitative and qualitative methods; the latter focusing on reviewing the scientific literature using methodologies appropriate to personalised functional nutrition.

Skill Level: Beginner

The Research Tutorials provide key background information on the Mechanism Review process for those students on the L7 Research Dissertation module and L6 Research Project module.

Journal Club is open access to all students on the MSc/PGDip in Personalised Nutrition and to all Levels on the BSc Nutritional Science as part of the resources offered within Professional Enhancement. We will normally run two time-slots for each Journal Club. Allow 1 hr 30 mins for each journal club session.

The benefit and usefulness of the Journal Clubs for everyone depends on each student making the effort to prepare for the session and contributing to the discussion.

The purpose of these sessions is to give you the opportunity to practice critical analysis of papers, familiarising yourselves with completing checklists and sharing ideas/conclusions with your peer group

Skill Level: Beginner